Advantages of the IMPRINT2 solar energy storage battery backup 

The IMPRINT2 Solar Battery Backup System is the next generation solar battery backup system that stores excess power from your solar panels and powers you when the sun’s intensity drops.

Save energy bills
Our solar backup batteries help you reduce your reliance on the national grid and save on energy bills at an affordable price. You can produce, use, store and reuse electricity with IMPRINT2 Solar Backup Batteries.

Install in minutes
The powerful IMPRINT2 solar backup battery is designed as an easy-to-repair battery protector that can be easily retrofitted into your solar panel. It doesn’t require much technique to fix. You can fix it yourself using the guide included in the package.

Sell ​​extra energy for some cool cash
You don’t have to give back any extra solar power you haven’t used in your home. You can store this energy in our solar battery backup and sell it to your neighbors for extra money.

Don’t miss work when mains power goes out
You don’t have to stop working when the sun goes down or the main grid loses power. With IMPRINT2 solar backup battery, you can save all the extra power your solar panel produces and use it when the sun goes down. You can work through the night, in winter and foggy weather, without even a single blackout